Midtown Educational Foundation's Programs

MEF provides a supplementary after-school program that serves 4-12th grade students from low-income families in the city of Chicago. Both centers provide academic enrichment, character education, individual attention, and extra-curricular activities for students, and parenting skills classes and discussions for the parents.


By focusing on homework and classroom enrichment, volunteer tutors provide students with the academic help they need succeed in school. MEF also empowers students to take their education into their own hands by connecting them with scholarship organizations. 


By learning about virtues and good habits, students develop the necessary tools to become better students, sons or daughters, sisters or brothers and friends. In the character development class, students discuss and learn how to practically implement virtues such as respect, service to others and hard work.


Each student that participates in MEF programs is assigned a volunteer tutor-mentor that works with them the entire school year. With a focus on academics and character development, time spent each week with the same volunteer has proven to be an integral part of the overall improvement of the student. 


MEF students participate in a variety of extra-curricular activities to gain skills and confidence while discovering interest and future hobbies. Some of our activities include:


Competitive Sports
Computer Science
Creative Writing
Chess Club


Visual and Performing Arts
Fitness and Sports
Dance Classes
Public Speaking
Culinary Classes 


MEF's parent programs support parents in their role as the primary educators of their children through classes, discussions, conferences, and more.