Thank You MEF Volunteers of the Year Kevin and Cathy

Chicago — Today is Thank Your Mentor Day, part of a month-long celebration of National Mentoring Month. Exactly one month ago today, Midtown Educational Foundation honored its Volunteers of the Year at the Annual MEF Christmas Party.

In honor of Thank Your Mentor Day, we would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge Cathy White and Kevin Saghy for their dedication and generosity with our Midtown Center for boys and Metro Achievement Center for girls.

[Cathy White receiving her award with Metro Director Erin Aldrich]    [Kevin Saghy receiving his award with Midtown Director Dr. Jerry Shepherd]

About Cathy

"I always say I get more from the girls at Metro than they get from me. No matter how tired I am at the end of long work day and how little I may feel like spending another two hours on-the-go, I always leave Metro more refreshed, happier, and a better person than when I came there," says White.

Cathy is the Executive Assistant to the President at the National Merit Scholarship Corporation in Evanston. She has been involved with MEF for over 7 years. When she can, she volunteers two nights a week and in general is always ready to go the extra mile to promote and help out Metro programs. 
"I'm repeatedly surprised by the joy I find in my friendships with the Metro students (who knew I had so much in common with inner-city high school students?!); but it's also the staff and other volunteers at Metro who make it the homey, cheerful place I want to keep coming back to. Because Metro is built on personal, individual relationships, it's easy to commit to coming there every week. Rather than a general feeling that I want to serve society at large, this is a personal response to people I know.  Metro is about friendships with individual people! And just as any friendship is a mutual self-giving that offers each party joy, so my relationships with all those I meet at Metro give me as much (or more) help as I give them.  Coming to Metro is like coming to a friend's house."

About Kevin

"There are few feelings better than knowing you're making a difference in someone's life, and that feeling happens almost every week when volunteering at Midtown," said Saghy.

For the last five years, Kevin has served as a one-on-one mentor to the boys at Midtown Center. He is a true role model to the young men, going beyond coaching them in how to behave with responsibility and integrity, along with how to boost their grades. He lends even more time as a career speaker, sharing best practices about his own journey to his current position with the Cubs.

"This program targets student development in academics and character, and it's very rewarding to watch your student grow in both areas."

Kevin Saghy is manager of communications for the Chicago Cubs. In this role, he is responsible for promoting the team's marketing and ticketing efforts, community involvement and other off-the-field endeavors through various communications channels, while also leading the club's overall social media efforts. 

Thank You and Congratulations, Cathy and Kevin!

Celebrating National Mentoring Month 

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