2013 MEF Volunteer of the Year Awards
CHICAGO - December 18, 2013 - Volunteers of the Year have been selected over the years at MEF for consistency and dependability. They embody the mission of MEF and work above and beyond the 2-hour weekly commitment as professional role models for Chicago's at-risk youth. Thank you for your dedication and commitment to Midtown and Metro!
Jerry Shepard and John McCartney, Jr.
John McCartney, Jr., who taught English at Marshall High School on Chicago's West Side for 27 years, has enjoyed a decades-long association with the Midtown Center for boys as a teacher, adviser and friend.
Elizabeth Bell, Tina Gibson, and Molly Strenk
Molly Strenk and Elizabeth Bell both began volunteering at Metro three years ago and serve on the MEF Auxiliary Board. From the start they have had a contagious enthusiasm and passion for the mission Metro is trying to accomplish. This has led them to recruit other volunteers, and this year they both separately nominated Metro as a charity of choice with whom William Blair should donate and partner for the next two years. Out of over 60 nominations, MEF was chosen as one of two community partners at William Blair!
Mrs. Haider, two midtown boys, and Dr. Donald Haider
(Note: Photo taken from MEF Annual Reach for Excellence Awards Dinner)
Dr. Donald Haider, director of the Center for Nonprofit Management and professor of social enterprise at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, has actively served on Midtown Educational Foundation's Board of Directors for 25 years.