Aon CEO Kristi Savacool Addresses Metro Achievement Center for girls

Chicago — On Thursday, May 8th, the Metro Advancement Council (pictured right) hosted its 16th Annual Luncheon to benefit the girls at Metro Achievement Center.


  • Warm welcome by Luncheon Committee Chair, Mary Caldieraro of Aon Hewitt
  • Metro Choir featured singing from Symphony Hall for Merit School of Music's MeritFest  
  • Sponsor recognition by emcee Dr. Sandy Goldberg of NBC5 News Chicago
  • Speech by Metro alumna Yvette Castaneda, PhD candidate in Community Health Science at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, MPH, MBA
  • Keynote Address by Kristi Savacool "A Career that Matters: Lessons in Courage, Confidence, and Conviction"

Quotables, summarized from Kristi Savacool's address:

"Whatever you do, find your mission. Align yourself with your interests. We all have special gifts."

"A lot of people will come and go in our lives. Stay focused on what's constant, and choose work that matters to you. Have an internal compass, starting in college and beyond. Have purpose and be purpose driven."

"A pencil is the best tool in life. Life changes."

"Stay true to yourself and your values. The compass I use constantly: Strength of character. Stand strong with a set of principles. Don't be afraid to draw boundaries. You are a whole person with a whole life. We all need balance. Find time for self (family). Be there and available and stay tuned in. Know what matters and when it matters. Some things stand still, everything adjusts. You decide. It will all work out." 

"Listen to voices around you and be willing to work with others. Coach others and give opportunities for people to succeed."

"Have confidence to take a leap of faith. Give yourself permission to learn; permission to make a difference in a distinctive way. It's all about the confidence you give yourself. Don't flinch in the face of opportunities. Lean in!"

"Build a network of people around you that you trust. Ask for a coach. Go learn!"

"Have courage to apply yourself in the face of adversity."

"Work on things that matter. Only you get to decide."

"Make it all you can be and take advantage of opportunity. Be vulnerable. It is a safe place to learn and practice finding what matters to you. Find out what you like and don't like. Make diverse friends. Gain perspective. Gain confidence. Give yourself room to have lots of experiences even if you're scared." -on experiencing college life

"Great leaders are servant leaders."

"When the world stops turning, it takes every ounce of courage, confidence, and conviction." -on managing the massive aftermath of 9/11 at Boeing