Once a Coach, Always a Coach

Despite the huge gap in age, the eighth grade class at Midtown Center listened intently and respectfully as Frank Maloney offered advice on the path forward.

“Work hard and be determined,” he said, reinforcing values the boys often hear during the seven-week summer program. “There’s no shortcut to success.” The former head football coach at Syracuse University, assistant coach at the University of Michigan, and head coach at Mt. Carmel High School on the south side encouraged the boys to get serious about their studies in high school, do well on ACT and SAT tests, and strive to achieve the best academic ranking possible in their graduating class. Above all, he said, “go to college. It will make an important difference in your life, livelihood and family life.”

Sage advice to be sure, from someone who has led a fulfilling life, coaching the sport he loved, raising three well-educated children, and directing ticket sales for the Chicago Cubs for 29 years before retiring in 2010.

Interested in being a career speaker at Midtown? Contact Center Director, Peter Ladwein.