Behind the Scenes with MEF Program Directors

This week more than 800 boys and girls descended upon the Midtown Center and Metro Achievement Center, where they were welcomed by caring staff who have been preparing for their arrival for the past two months.

MEF staff members truly are unsung heroes, giving freely of themselves to help Chicago’s urban youth enjoy an unforgettable summer experience in the classroom, on weekly field trips, and through sports and the arts. They work behind the scenes, with little fanfare, to make summer special for each and every child.

Here are six of these dedicated professionals. They’re the architects of MEF summer programs and the reason the programs work so well for the kids that MEF serves. They also represent many more people just like them – the remaining program staff, academic instructors, volunteer tutors, coaches and advisors – who will nurture Chicago’s at-risk youth along pathways to success throughout this summer and the school year ahead.

Please consider recognizing and supporting their efforts by contributing to MEF’s summer programs!

Staff Profiles
Metro for Girls

Staff Profiles
Midtown for boys