Metro Girls Take In The Nation’s Capital

On the night of January 20, 11 Metro girls, ranging from freshman to senior year in high school, and three Metro staff arrived at Reagan National Airport, eager to begin their field trip to Washington D.C.

The group didn’t waste any time and the next morning dove right into exploring the city. They visited the Holocaust Museum, toured Georgetown University, snapped pictures at various monuments, attended a Human Dignity conference and more.

Reflecting on her visit to the Holocaust Museum, senior Alexandra Macias said that, “My favorite part of the trip was being there. It helped me appreciate everything I have here and to remember not to take anything for granted.”

On January 22, they took part in the March for Life, joining thousands of pro-life youth in a peaceful march on the capital. Despite the snow, the walk gave the girls the opportunity to stand up for an intrinsic characteristic they have been learning about through Metro and on the trip – human dignity. It was a great chance for them to finally act on their beliefs.

Senior Tamara Chehade said that, “It was a really eye-opening experience, but at the same time it was really intense. It was interesting to see how the march was conducted in such a peaceful and respectful manner.”

When their trip was unexpectedly extended two days due to the record-breaking blizzard that gripped the Northeast, they brainstormed other ways to entertain themselves: coordinating a toga fashion show, doing make-overs, producing music videos, and playing Sardines (hide and seek). It was the first time many made snow angels and competed in the staff vs. student snowball fight!

Finally on January 25, after the weather cleared, the group caught a flight back to Chicago, thankful to be home but grateful for a once-in-a-lifetime educational experience. 

by Katie Morgan, MEF Marketing Intern