Midtown 9th - 12th Grade Boys

College Orientation Program (COP)

The College Orientation Program is designed to guide and motivate high school students in their work to achieve success in college and beyond. The program helps students navigate the college matching and acceptance process through a combination of skill-building, academic enrichment, career and professional exploration, college-readiness activities, individual advising, individual tutoring, summer apprenticeships, and summer apprenticeships.

Since 2000 Midtown has assured every high school senior graduates and is accepted to college.

Questions? Please contact Gabe Avalos by emailing him at gavalos@midtown-metro.org or calling (773) 292-2660 x 223.


Entering 10th-12th Grade Boys

Visual Media, Computer Science, BusinessSUMMER 2020 Dates: July 6th - 31stThis is a paid position; an additional application will be required.Visit our Midtown Summer 2020 Page for updates and to Apply

Visual Media, Computer Science, Business

SUMMER 2020 Dates: July 6th - 31st

This is a paid position; an additional application will be required.

Visit our Midtown Summer 2020 Page for updates and to Apply

Apprenticeship Description…

Apprenticeships are hands-on programs in which students learn marketable skills from professionals in specialized fields. Apprentices demonstrate their acquired skills by producing final projects. They also develop the critical thinking and decision-making skills they will need to excel in the workplace. Apprenticeships are open to incoming high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors and are offered in Business, Visual Media, and Computer Science. 


The overall goal of the program is for students to learn and practice the fundamental principles of business ownership (entrepreneurship). With detailed instruction from a lead and assistant instructor, as well as real life, hands-on, student directed application of instruction, students will be given all the necessary tools to be able to develop, start and manage their our business ideas and ventures on their own.


Visual media plays a role in advertising, art, communication, education, business and engineering. The Visual Media apprenticeship will allow students to create projects in photography, videography, and graphic design.  Students will learn about careers in visual media, while also developing technical skills related to these fields and being exposed to the demands of these fields through their own projects.


The Computer Science Apprenticeship lasts seven weeks and is an introductory computer science program for students. Students in the program will learn about computer science and gain exposure to tech jobs. Class instruction will focus on hands-on real-world projects involving digital representation, web site design, HTML, and JavaScript. The seven weeks of instruction will conclude with a final team project.

Entering 9th-12th Grade Boys

Dates: Sept 23, 2019 - May 2, 2020 Attends twice a weekTuesdays & Thursdays - 5:30-9:00pm  [Available Study Hall from 4:30-5:30pm)Cost: $250 for the entire school year (Generous financial aid available for those who qualify.)Apply now!

Dates: Sept 23, 2019 - May 2, 2020 Attends twice a week

Tuesdays & Thursdays - 5:30-9:00pm
[Available Study Hall from 4:30-5:30pm)

Cost: $250 for the entire school year
(Generous financial aid available for those who qualify.)

Apply now!

School Year Program Description…

Students attend program twice a week for supplementary classes that correlate with their academic year, small group tutoring, character development, and sports. College visits and service projects are also worked into the curriculum. 

All students receive grade-appropriate instruction in Math and English, homework tutoring help, Character Development classes, and the opportunity to participate in photography, graphic design, and architecture. Juniors & Senior receive SAT prep courses and participate in a college prep and selection seminar.