Virtue of the Week


June 8, 2020

Know yourself!

Know yourself!

Everyone has different strengths. Learning what those strengths are enables us to share what we're good at with others!

Check out this survey and discuss each other's strengths as a family!

Examine your conscience

Examine your conscience

In many ways who we are is determined by what we choose to do. We all make mistakes but in order to grow and be the people we want to be we need to recognize when we have messed up.

It's a good exercise to review the choices you made throughout the day and think about challenges that you encountered throughout the day what you would have liked to to differently so that you are more ready to face similar challenges when they are next time.

La honestidad

La honestidad

La honestidad esta basada en la confianza, sinceridad y respeto
mutuo. Ser honestos con nosotros mismos aumenta nuestra seguridad y tranquilidad.

Este vídeo trata sobre la virtud de la honestidad, que
supone obrar con rectitud, de acuerdo con lo que uno piensa que está bien.


June 1, 2020

Don't Forget to... Breathe!

Don't Forget to... Breathe!

Living patience in our first (or second!) reactions is a great place to start!

If we notice ourselves on the verge of complaining about something (which can be more easy to do in this time of quarantine!), stop. Take a breath. Think: is what I'm going to say helpful? Positive? True? Kind? If not, move on!

Practical Ways to Practice Patience

Practical Ways to Practice Patience

Why is patience such an important skill to practice? This article lays out various experiments that have led researchers to understand the role patience has on a person's life. Moreover, this virtue has been practiced for thousands of years for a reason. Take 5 minutes today to pick one concrete way you can practice patience this week.

Don't focus on the WHEN Questions

Don't focus on the WHEN Questions

We are all anxious about when everything is going to go back to normal and it is very easy to get cought up on wondering about the how much longer we need to wait.

The truth is, no one knows for sure what the coming weeks and months are going to look like for sure. That is scary. Try not to think about WHEN this is going to end rather HOW you are going to make the best of it.

La paciencia, el arte de saber esperar

La paciencia, el arte de saber esperar

Cuando empieces a sentir que pierdes la calma o estés
en una situación difícil que te molesta, trata de parar, respirar,
contar hasta el 10 y no quejarte. Puede ser difícil pero muchas veces este ejercicio te puede ayudar a esperar con tranquilidad y lidiar con las situaciones difíciles.



may 25, 2020



Service begins at home, making life more pleasant for those around us (and if we can do it with them, even more fun!).

Schedule time each day for "work time" where everyone is together working on some part of the home to bring order to it. It could be cleaning, helping cook a meal, organizing a space, etc. The important part is that it is daily and everyone is working together. Add some music to make it fun!

Letter to a Loved One

Letter to a Loved One

We can serve our friends and family by reminding them how much we love them.

Take 5 minutes and pick a friend or family member who you haven't seen in awhile. Write them a card and tell them you hope to get one back! It's a great way to remind them you care and to invite them to write to others.

Do Extra Chores Without Being Asked

Do Extra Chores Without Being Asked

You probably have some chores at home that are your responsibility. Take it one step further this week.

Keeping an orderly house is a huge undertaking. Take some of this extra time to do a little more than you are asked normally to do and offer this service to your household.

It's My Pleasure to Serve You!

It's My Pleasure to Serve You!

To have a Spirit of Service is to know how to contribute to the welfare of others. It starts with noticing what others may need.

Have you ever noticed the cashiers at Chick-Fil-A? They always respond to your "thank you" with "my pleasure". Do you think they mean it? Can you think of a way to help out at home where you can do it with a smile? Imagine (and then Do It) saying "my pleasure" the next time your mother thanks you for something you did.

¡Se acomedido!

¡Se acomedido!

¡Ser acomedido es tener espíritu de servicio! El espíritu de servicio es tener en cuenta las necesidades de los demás y actuar para ayudarlos. Los demás se sentirán contentos y apreciados.

¿Hay maneras en que puedas ayudar a alguien en casa? ¿Necesitan ayuda cocinado, limpiando, con tareas, etc? ¿Hay alguien en casa que necesita una sonrisa, alguien con quien platicar, alguien que los escuche? Piensa en las personas a tu alrededor y en que necesitan en este momento para mejorar su día y práctica el espíritu de servicio.


Love of Learning &

Appreciation of Beauty

May 18, 2020

So Much... Free Time!

So Much... Free Time!

Being quarantined is the perfect time for starting new hobbies.

Think: what am I interested in? Reading? Crafting? Picking up a musical instrument? Learning a new dance? Computer programming? Science experiments? Get started today - and if it's a hobby you can share with someone else, even better!

Frame Your Day

Frame Your Day

This week, the podcast Corona: Use It, Don't Lose It features many concrete ways we can continue to grow even in times of crisis. One of the stand-out pieces of advice is how we can frame our day in order to get excited about learning. Discover how you can find the beauty beneath the surface with this week's episode.

Notice Springtime

Notice Springtime

Even though it feels like time is standing still, it is not. Spring began on March 19th and we can now see it in nature.

Without venturing too far, and always respecting social distancing guidelines, take a moment to notice the springtime around you. Leaves are starting to come back to the trees and flowers are blooming. Let this remind you that life continues on and we have plenty to be optimistic about.

Caminata Familiar

Caminata Familiar

Si se les hace posible, salgan a caminar y noten como las flores empiezan a florecer o como los árboles ya se están llenando de hojas. ¿Hay otras cosas que te llaman la atención? ¿El color de un carro? ¿La arquitectura de los edificios? ¿Lo refrescante que se siente el viento? ¿Tienes preguntas sobre lo que viste? ¡Compártelas e investígalas!



May 11, 2020

Set a Schedule!

Set a Schedule!

Begin by getting up on time and going to bed on time. Oversleeping or under sleeping can lead to bad moods and lethargy. We want to seize the day! Make a plan with those living in your home: maybe the weekday times will be different than the weekends. The important part is to set a plan and stick to it!

Have a household meeting. What time works best for everyone (or the most possible) to have breakfast together? When will lunch and free time be? Bedtime?

Build a Better List

Build a Better List

Learning how we work best can help us organize our to-do lists in a way that encourages us to finish tasks. Watch this one-minute clip on how to order your day and find your yourself with your day rightly ordered. Better yet, watch it twice and try out a new one each week to see what works best for you.

Keep a Clean Room

Keep a Clean Room

Don't underestimate the mentally clarifying effects of an orderly bedroom.

It may be tempting to let your bedroom and other personal spaces become disorderly. Especially now that we are spending so much time at home. When you keep your space orderly your mind will often follow suit. There is a famous quote by a Navy Seal that goes, "If you want to change the world, start by making your bed." Can you find out who said this and read the whole speech?

Spring Cleaning! ! o ¡Limpieza de Primavera!

Spring Cleaning! ! o ¡Limpieza de Primavera!

¿Cuántas veces has pensado que tu casa necesita una limpieza profunda? Aprovecha el cambio de estación: abre las ventanas de par en par, refréscala, ORDENARLA y déjala a punto para disfruta de esta primavera. 10 pasos para limpiar la casa a fondo.



May 4, 2020

Forgiveness Starts With Me!

Forgiveness Starts With Me!

Being quarantined is hard. Sometimes the friction happens because we keep focusing on what isn't going right, instead of on the good. Take time to notice and appreciate the good the others are doing and thank them for it. You'll find yourself having to forgive less!

Before going to bed each night, check in with yourself - is there someone I need to start over with? Make it a goal not to go to bed without beginning again!

Forgive the Situation - No One Is to Blame

Forgive the Situation - No One Is to Blame

It is normal to feel angry about everything that is going on. There are many things that have been unjustly taken from us. Though no one is to blame, we can take this opportunity to grow in the virtue of forgiveness by forgiving the situation.

Notice when you are feeling particularly frustrated with the situation the pandemic has put you, or your loved ones in. Holding onto that anger could lead us to taking it out on someone else and contributing to a cycle of toxicity. Let go of your anger and forgive your circumstances as if it were a person. And forgive yourself for feeling frustrated -- it's totally normal! Let yourself feel the emotions you naturally have, that is healthy and important but don't be consumed by them.

Don't Hold Onto a Grudge!

Don't Hold Onto a Grudge!

Holding a grudge not only keeps you from having a healthy relationship with someone, it also poisons your own peace of mind.

When a sibling or a friend does something that you find unfair or makes you angry, forgive them immediately even if you think it is hard. You will soon feel better once you let go of your anger.

Guardar rencor: beber veneno y esperar que la otra persona muera

Guardar rencor: beber veneno y esperar que la otra persona muera

Las personas a veces pensamos que perdonar no depende de nosotros, sino del otro. Pero el perdón es una decisión que se toma. Y cuando eliges perdonar, te sientes mejor contigo mismo. Porque donde hay rencor sólo puede haber odio y malestar, y eso sigue en ti hasta que decides perdonar. O perdonarte. Sí, esto también sirve para perdonarse a si mismo. Por sentir lo que sientes, por hacer lo que hiciste, por decir lo que dijiste… Sólo si aceptas que no eres perfecto, que te equivocas, y que haces lo mejor que sabes en cada momento, podrás aceptar que el otro no es perfecto, que también se equivoca y que también hace las cosas lo mejor que sabe en cada momento.


Positive Practices of Communications

April 28, 2020

Thank You, I'm Sorry, I Love You!

Thank You, I'm Sorry, I Love You!

Three little words that mean a lot. Get used to saying them more often!

Before ending each day, think, how well have I used these words today? Have I used each one at least once? How can I do better tomorrow?

Communication Is Key

Communication Is Key

These 10 communication tips from a professional speaker and interviewer will help you to become a better listener! Challenge: pick one of the 10 and focus on practicing it for a week.

Nonverbal Communication Game

Nonverbal Communication Game

Practice nonverbal communication skills by telling a partner something without using words.

Have a list of topic questions prepared. Divide groups into partners. Have one partner act out the answer to the topic question. The second partner guesses by writing what they believe the answer is on a piece of paper.

5 Lenguajes del Amor

5 Lenguajes del Amor

¿Has escuchado de los 5 lenguajes del amor? Ahora que todos están en casa tomen la oportunidad de aprender el lenguaje de cada persona y comunicarse con mas amor hablado su idioma. Tomen el examen y diviértanse adivinando cual es el lenguaje primario de los demás.



April 21, 2020

Start a Gratitude Journal!

Start a Gratitude Journal!

It helps to end your day going through all the things you are thankful for - big and small (i.e. parents, dessert, fuzzy socks, etc.) Try to stay consistent, and write down at least 3 new things everyday!

Cook a Meal for Your Parents

Cook a Meal for Your Parents

We are all going through a very stressful time, including parents. Show your parents you appreciate everything they do by giving them a break for a family meal.

It doesn't need to be complicated. If you are not confident in the kitchen, it could be as simple as making your parents a sandwich for lunch.

Why Be Grateful?

Why Be Grateful?

There is a tendency to think that the happy people are the ones who are grateful in life. What is we told you it was the other way around: that the practice of gratefulness makes us happy? Check out this Ted Ed Talk and jump the the discussion questions on the right after.

Paseo de Gratitud

Paseo de Gratitud

Sal a caminar o camina en tu casa y observa cuantas cosas positivas puedes encontrar a tu paso: el olor de la comida recién hecha, tus papas, tus hermanitos, el cielo azul, un día soleado, la lluvia que alimenta al planeta, las flores, los arboles, tu mascota, la belleza de arquitectura.



April 14, 2020

Letter Writing

Letter Writing

Know someone who is on their own? A grandparent, neighbor, friend? Send them a quick note to know you are thinking about them!

Get creative! Include a short story, poem, or drawing by you.

Acts of Service

Acts of Service

Kindness is contagious! Take advantage of small opportunities to spread kindness with acts of service.

Kind acts of service for a family member can show you are thinking of them. Does a family member need help with the dishes or taking out the trash? Would someone at home appreciate you helping them tidy up? Take advantage of small opportunities to spread kindness with acts of service.

High Fives

High Fives

Give your family encouraging high fives throughout the week!

Let your family know how much you love them, and support them, and are cheering them onwards to success. Give them lots of high fives!

Words of Affirmation

Words of Affirmation

How does it make you feel to receive a compliment? Sometimes it can make your whole day. Go out of your way to makes someone's day.

When you notice positive qualities in a person you care about, tell them. It might help make this difficult situation a little bit lighter for them.

Kindness Is Always a Win-Win

Kindness Is Always a Win-Win

In these unique times, it can be a real challenge not to lose our patience. It's easy to get annoyed at those we love. How can we WIN the battle?

Every morning, spend about 5 minutes thinking about each person you are living with during these days. Write down their names in your journal and decide one KIND thing you will do for them that day. Then think of one relative and one friend that you don't normally reach out to. Write down their names and what you will do: write them a real letter? say a special prayer for what they need? give them an actual call, rather than a text? Then check at night before you go to bed, thank God for helping you to be kind that day, then start again the next day after a good night's sleep!

Care Package

Care Package

Let a family member or friend know you are thinking of them with a real or virtual care package!

Care packages are great reminders to people that we are thinking of them and care about them, even if we are far away. The great part is care packages don't need to be large or extravagant... or even contain material gifts! Find things already in your house that you yourself enjoy - maybe a puzzle, a good book, or materials to do an art project and send them to a friend! If you don't have any material gifts to give, give the gift of a recommendation tailored to your friend and what they enjoy doing. Share a recipe you tried or you know they will love! Swap book ideas - you give them one and ask them to send you one back.