Parent Resources
may 25, 2020
Learn the Love Language of Your Children!
Reading Warriors
Literacy and academic success are closely linked! No matter the age, this link is a great resource for practicing the art of reading.
Friend Night
Schedule a zoom call with some friends that you haven't talked to in a while. Make some snacks and enjoy laughing and catching up with your friends.
Talk About It
There is a lot of misinformation about Covid-19 and your kids might have questions, especially if they are getting most of their information from friends. Check out this tip from the World Health Organization about how to talk with your kids about Covid-19.
Lean las noticias en español
Si el idioma primario en casa es el español, es importante leer bastante en español para que sus hijos lean más en inglés y que les guste la lectura. Esta entrevista corta destaca la importancia de leer.
Para mejorar los grados, crecer en comprensión de lectura, pensar más profundamente y que se superen, lean las noticias en español.
May 18, 2020
Seven Habits of Highly Effective Families
Check out this article on ideas on creating and fostering habits to build a strong family culture.
Resources by Parents for Parents
Parent Date Night
Unplug and put your masks on and go for a long walk!
Self-Care and Managing Stress
If mom and dad don't take care of themselves, it leaves no emotional reserve to care for the kids. Check out the next Covid-19 parenting tip from the World Health Organization about managing stress and staying calm.
¿Cómo apoyar a sus hijos con la educación remota?
En estos tiempos de confinamiento y educación a distancia, los padres tienen que aprender a ayudar y a apoyar a sus hijos. Vean este video (25:38 min) donde la trabajadora social Gabriela Fiszbein, LMSW responde a preguntas hechas por padres sobre la educación remota.
MAy 11, 2020
Up the Reading: It's Important!
Write to Relatives
Encourage your kids to write letters by starting together and writing to a relative. Your kids will get practice writing and it will be fun to find a response in the mail. Some ideas are to share recipes, photos, stories, books, and movie recommendations.
5 Minutes to Calm: Guided Relaxation
Here is a quick 5 minute guided relaxation that includes a short progressive muscle relaxation technique followed by a short guided beach visualization (ocean wave sounds) to help you relax quickly. This can be used anytime you need to release some muscle tension quickly and quiet the mind
SNAP Benefits/Beneficios de SNAP
Illinois families with school-age children can now apply for extra money for food through the Pandemic EBT (P-EBT). The fastest way for families to receive benefits is to complete the application for P-EBT available online at https://abe.illinois.gov/abe/access. (Click “Apply for Benefits” at the link.)
Las familias de Illinois con niños en edad escolar ahora pueden solicitar dinero extra para alimentos a través de la pandemia EBT (P-EBT). La forma más rápida para que las familias reciban beneficios es completar la solicitud de P-EBT disponible en línea en https://abe.illinois.gov/abe/access. (Haga clic en "Solicitar beneficios" en el enlace).
Dealing with Behavior Problems
We are all stuck together for much longer than we ever have been before and it's normal for our kids to start exhibiting some challenging behaviors.
Remember these tips from the World Health Organization. Redirect, Take a Pause, and Use Consequences. Check out the poster here.
Mayo es el mes de la Salud Mental/ May is Mental Health Awareness Month
Nuestra salud mental es muy importante para sentirnos bien y dar a los demás lo mejor de nosotros. Pedir ayuda es una acción muy valiente y no demuestra debilidad. Es muy normal que haya una baja en nuestra salud mental debido al la pandemia del coronavirus. Si Ud. O alguien que conoce necesita ayuda y apoyo para mejorar su salud mental por favor visite mentalhealth.gov para encontrar recursos apropiados.
Our mental health is very important to feel good and give others the best of us. Asking for help is a very courageous action and does not show weakness. It is very normal that there is a decline in our mental health due to the current Coronavirus pandemic. If you or someone you know needs help and support to improve their mental health, please visit the Kennedy Forum to find appropriate resources.
May 4, 2020
Peace, Perspective, Permission!
Help maintain order and normalcy in your home following these tips.
Unwind Outside
Join the challenge to spend time outside with your family this week. Bring blankets so you can lounge on the grass, snacks so you can take a break, and books so you can enjoy some time without screens. It may not be the warmest week, but all that means is you may need an extra sweatshirt. Spending time outside and offline is a sure way to be well rested and well adjusted for the week ahead, and it's much needed as a study in 2015 found kids spend an average of 4-7 minutes outside daily. #100HoursUnplugged
Keeping It Positive
Families are all stuck inside together and let's be honest. We are driving each other nuts. Check out these tips from the World Health Organization about how to encourage positive behavior in your children.
Los alimentos que ayudan al cerebro a funcionar mejor
¡Es cierto que hay comidas que le ayudan al cerebro! Lea este articulo para ver si ya los esta consumiendo y ayudar a que toda la familia este mas enfocada y saludable durante la cuarentena.
April 28, 2020
Beware of Screen-Time!
It's true. A lot of work is online, but we can still be wary of what's out there and what's accessed in the downtime.
Check Screenagers, working to alert parents of apps available to limit screen-time and monitor sites used:
Chicago Food Depository Resources
Sé feliz, deja huella
Mientras cocinen o limpien escuchen este podcast de la psicóloga María José Soler, que habla sobre los retos que las familias pueden tener en cuarentena por el coronavirus. Hay temas de 15 minutos como, “Desafío Familiar para llevar adelante el Coronavirus” y “Ansiedad en tiempos de incertidumbre” que ofrecen apoyo y conocimiento en estos tiempos.
One-on-One Time
We are social distancing from many people but we don't have to keep a distance from our kids. We are in the unique position now where we can actually spend one-on-one alone time with each of our kids every day.
Read these tips from the World Health Organization about how to incorporate one-on-one time with each of your kids of different ages. Experts say that spending about 20 minutes of one-on-one time with each of your children can reduce problem behaviors without even having to address those problem behaviors.
April 21, 2020
Food = Mood
With more time at home, there's a tendency to be eating all the time! What we eat may also affect the way we feel.
It's important to set a schedule for eating and to be "choosy" about the foods kids are getting so it's not a day of constant grazing!
Promote Positive Screen Time
Ted Ed offers a widespread collection of educational and interesting videos for all ages. This is a great way for your kids to learn something new and use their allotted screen time in a positive manner.
Strengths Finder
This week, try having a discussion with your children about their strengths. Think about it a little bit ahead of time, including thinking about your own strengths. Use this poster to prepare and share it with your children encouraging them to name their strengths.
¿Por qué es importante dormir?
Aunque estemos en cuarentena es importante dormir. El no dormir puede tener efectos negativos. Este video comparte razones muy importantes por las que es recomendable tener buenos hábitos de sueño.
April 14, 2020
Talking to Your Kids About COVID-19
It's an uncertain time. Explaining to your kids what is going on builds confidence and helps them to come to you as a resource.
Check out this great article on talking to your children about COVID-19.
Adapting to a New Family Dynamic During the Coronavirus Pandemic
Make Plans as a Family
Can't get yourselves to stop thinking about what you want to do once quarantine is over? Make a coupon book of fun activities to do as a family once social distancing ends! Great way to keep the kids busy and challenge them to be creative.
Easily hand draw or print these coupons and send them to a friend or family member to redeem after quarantine (or during if you can both do it over Zoom!).
CPS Meal Sites
Search for a CPS meal site near you. Meal sites are subject to change daily so please check this map before you go. All sites are open Monday-Friday 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Families may pick up three days worth of meals for every child in their household. ID is not necessary.
Coping with Stress During Covid-19
According to the CDC teens are an age-group at greater risk for stress during the quarantine. Check out this article from the CDC about many things including what behaviors to watch for in your child and how to support them during this strange time.
Healthy Approaches to Parenting during COVID-19
Check out this article for 10 tips to help keep the calm at home.