Family Activities
May 25, 2020
Know Spanish? Read-a-Loud & Discuss After Dinner!
Keep up-to-date with interesting architecture, historic discoveries, animal news, and more!
Navigate Narnia
C.S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia are a great family read. What makes them better is when you can follow along a book study to get more out of the novel.
Family Card Game Night
Here are three classic card games that are easy to learn and fun to play!
Family Scavenger Hunt
Just because we are socially distancing does not mean we can't have fun. Create a safe and fun scavenger hunt to play as a family.
La historia de su familia
Durante la cuarentena ustedes pueden tomar tiempo de contar más historias de su familia. Saquen fotos de los tiempos de papás y compartan historias. ¿Cómo eran los abuelos, los tíos, los bisabuelos? ¿Cómo se conocieron los papás o los abuelos? ¿Cómo era la escuela de mamá y papá?
May 18, 2020
Start an herb garden!
Bring some spice to your home and start growing herbs for those amazing homecooked meals.
Make a Time Capsule
Now is a perfect time to collect photos, letters, small items, and memories from everyone in your family to place in a time capsule. You can gather a few things unique to each family member, and then your family can sit down and write a letter about what life is like now in 2020. Write about where you think you will be in 5 years, or what your favorite board games and movies and books are right now! The important things in making a time capsule? Finding a waterproof box and drawing up a map of where you place it so you can find it in 5 years.
Family Game Night!
Play cards or pull out a bard game and enjoy some time away from technology.
Technology Fast
We are all using technology more than we are used to. Take a 24 hour break from all forms of technology (if you can). As a family, have everyone write down one fun thing they would like to do during the technology-free day and put them in a basket. Take turns pulling an idea. out of the basket and see how many you can do as a family during your tech-free time together.
Tiempo de pantalla durante la crisis del coronavirus
Platiquen sobre el uso de la tecnología en casa. ¿Cuanto tiempo están enfrente de una pantalla? Si ven que es tiempo de modificar el uso de tecnología haganlo en familia y sigan estos consejos. Sera divertido creer nuevos limites juntos.
MAY 11, 2020
Scavenger Hunt!
Spend time outside together: family on a mission.
Find: 1 insect (dead or alive), 1 piece of trash (to throw away), heart shaped rock (double points), 1 flower,
Person with the most points at the end of the walk wins!
Pack a Picnic
Whether you eat in your backyard, at a park, or on a blanket in your living room, change up your daily lunch spot!
Each person can be in charge of something: bringing the blanket, making the sandwiches, slicing the fruit, and more. You can even bring a deck of cards to enjoy more time outside or to have some fun before getting back to e-learning and working from home. A good meal and mental break can go a long way!
Visit the Faroe Islands
Check out this country's take on remote tourism!
Family History
Take the time to learn and share more about family history.
Take this opportunity to look through old photo albums and home videos. Learn more about your grandparents' and great grandparents' lives.
Lean en Familia
Una buena oportunidad para disfrutar juntos es leer un cuento, así fomentarás el interés de tus hijos por la lectura, a la vez que compartes un mundo nuevo y mágico a su lado. ¿Y si vuelves a leer una de tus historias preferidas de cuando eras pequeño con ellos? Sera muy divertido compartir las reacciones de tu libro favorito.
También pueden leer historias cortas en el internet. Para buscar libros por línea baja la aplicación de Hoopla o muchas veces los libros en español ya están gratis por línea, búscalos usando Google.
May 4, 2020
Next Top Chef
Pizza Night!
Make or purchase pizza crust (we recommend Buoboli) and variety of toppings! Do a family cook-off of a challenge to make the best pizza! We recommend setting out toppings such as tomatoes, onions, olives, pineapple, ham, chicken, pepperoni, sausage, lemon, basil, tomato sauce, salt, cheeses (cheddar, asiago, parmesean, feta, goat), artichokes, mushrooms, bell peppers, banana peppers, and other creative toppings. Family member with the most votes wins and chooses dessert!
Zoom Charades
Get Creative!
Text the cousins you miss and schedule an hour sometime this week to play charades over videochat! Your team is your family, so have fun writing ideas on pieces of paper and putting them in a hat (i.e. Cookie Monster, the Incredibles, Princess and the Frog, Lionel Messi, Mother Theresa, couch potato, you name it!) and take turns acting them out and guessing. Works well on Zoom, Google Hangouts, Facetime, and the likes!
Family Cooking
Bake Cookies together!
Take your minds off the crisis with some family baking. Any recipe is good but here is a Martha Stewart list of great cookie recipes.
¡Fiesta de baile!
El baile y el canto son liberadores. ¡Pongan música y déjense llevar! Disfruten del sonido y el movimiento de sus canciones favoritas. Seguramente, estarán creando recuerdos inolvidables juntos.
April 28, 2020
Movie Night!
Make some homemade popcorn, build a fort to watch it (if with little ones), and gather up for a good movie.
Movie: The Incredibles
Cincinnati Zoo Home Safari
Como Familia Apadrinen a una Persona Afectada por el Coronavirus
¡Dale sentido al COVID19! y cuida a alguien desde casa, por medio de la oración, ofrecimiento, palabras de aliento y mensajes de cariño para acompañar a aquellas personas que son mayores, enfermos, pacientes aislados y empleados del sector salud. Síganlos en Instagram y únanse al caso o visiten su sitio web.
Card Games
Here is a link to a bunch of fun card games. Some are familiar some are new!
April 21, 2020
Next stop: Paris, France!
Take a tour of one of the most famous art museums in the world, the Louvre. Encourage kids to learn about one of the paintings in the musuem and recreate it on their own (or use these coloring pages for the little ones)
Great Battle of the Bake-Off
Think: Great British Bake-Off meets Battle of the Bands! Challenge your cousins, siblings, or friends to a cooking challenge & invite the rest of your family to taste-test; whoever wins moves on to the next round. Need some recipe inspiration? Start here:
Salad Bowl
Play a game that everyone in the family can play together.
Check out the rules to this game here: https://kidstir.com/salad-bowl-game/
Jueguen Puntos y Cajas
¡Entreténganse con este juego clásico que requiere lápiz y papel!
April 14, 2020
What’s the Latest?!
Come to family meals ready to share and discuss!
Everyone is working throughout the day - on homework, working from home, taking care of others, etc. Meals are the perfect time to get back together and learn from each other! Ask kids to choose an article they found interesting to summarize and lead a dinner discussion.
TimeforKids! Has articles for free: https://time.com/tfk-free/
Laughter is the Best Medicine
Being on lockdown isn't a game but families need to have fun together, especially during this time. Be sure to schedule family fun time together, separate from meals, where everyone, parents and kids, join in on the same game (TV, screen time NOT included!)
Visit this site for five fun and free things families can do together during the lockdown.
Play Spoons!
You'll need a deck of cards and spoons for this competitive and tricky game.
Watch this video explaining how to play.
Activities in a Hat
Share the fun of thinking of activities to do as a family and be creative!
Have everyone in the family write down two games, movies, recipes, etc. that can be fun for the whole family on separate pieces of paper & put them in a hat. Pick a different person to choose the activity from the hat each night of the week. Click here for Ideas.
Bake cookies
Enjoy some family time as you all work together to bake these delicious cookies.
Movie Night!
Enjoy a relaxing night as a family but try to think outside the box in your choice of films. Check out this link to get some suggestions about educational films or go to Common Sense Media and find a new film that is appropriate for all the ages in your house.
Click here see a list of family friendly films.