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VOTE MEF for Chick-Fil-A's True Inspiration Awards

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Here is how you can support MEF:

This video shows exactly how to cast your vote in the Chic-fil-A app. You can also watch this video on the YouTube app to change the playback speed and view size:

  1. Download the App

  2. Sign in or create a Chick-Fil-A One account

  3. Select Rewards, then select News

  4. Click Vote Now (No purchase required)

  5. Select Midwest Region, then select MEF!

  6. Share, share, share on social media!

Rob Meier pictured (right) with one of his biggest fans.

Rob Meier pictured (right) with one of his biggest fans.


Learn a little more about Midtown Educational Foundation’s mission and what makes MEF a True Inspiration in the videos below: