Your gift to MEF's annual appeals provides an essential foundation of support for the low-income kids that Midtown & Metro serve.

Your generosity at Christmastime, during the summer and as the kids go back to school makes possible:

Enriching choir, art & character education classes throughout the year.

Confidence means that there is a sparkle in you that gives you the power to be positive. When you are confident you are strong and always thinking on the sunny side.

- ONE Program Student

Field trips to Chicago's rich & vibrant cultural and recreational destinations.

The field trips were very new experiences for me because I had never heard of the places that I went until we went to visit them.

- MAP Program Student

Space at MEF's clean, central, safe locations for volunteer mentors & kids to work One-on-One on their homework and goal setting.

“ Metro is a special place because everyone is nice and respectful to one other. Metro is clean and organized and safe place for girls. Metro helps girls refresh their mind for their next school year and it also helps you become a better person."

- ONE Program Student

Thank you for your gift today!